
Hi, I’m Linda. As I look back on a lifetime, I recognize the blessings along the way. When I was a high school senior, a sweet lady in our church asked if I planned to become a missionary. I associated missionaries as deeply devout Christians who uprooted their entire lives to serve God in some foreign country. It took only a second for me to respond, “I want to serve God through a career working in our country.” Well, those weren’t the exact words, but they represented my goals. Several degrees later and numerous areas of work mainly related to education, I realized I was a missionary in a broad field of the workplace.

My education includes degrees in foods, nutrition, and education. As a registered dietitian nutritionist, I experienced numerous opportunities to serve on committees, boards, and organizations with wonderful individuals nationwide. Yet, home held a special place in my heart, especially my kitchen and gardens. My easy-going husband was always ready to try a new dish, dig another hole for plants I brought home, and encouraged me in outside responsibilities.

Please feel free to browse this site to read my health and nutrition blog, Food from the Garden by clicking on the button at left. For a description and link to Lagniappe, my author blog with inspirational and spiritual truths, please see the section below.


A Note to Visitors

For several years (since 2010) my blog Food From the Garden was located elsewhere. It was moved to this Cindryn Group website beginning in October of 2023, and it will continue to bring the latest nutrition information and more on my cookbook in progress. 

Please visit again soon!

Visit the Blog Archive

An archive of blogs I’ve written in the past are still available on the old site. If you would like to browse these posts, please use the button below.

Tired of dieting and repeated failures?

Each year more than 45 million Americans go on a diet. Yet, more than two-thirds of Americans continue to compromise health and longevity because of excessive weight. What hinders weight loss? This 31-day devotional book gives a fresh perspective by using scriptures, biblical stories, and personal accounts to navigate a culture of never-ending diets.

God’s Diet Plan: Seek Him First paves the way for a healthier lifestyle and a new you. Selective passages set the tone for each devotion which is followed by purposeful prayer. Prompts from “Thoughts to Ponder” and “Lesson for Life” guide you to consider positive actions. Challenging questions in “Digging Deeper” encourage growth in nutritional knowledge and spiritual depth as you reflect alone or with a group. Nutrition tools in the appendices guide you toward wholesome eating practices. Explore how seeking God inspires a closer relationship with him.


While in past years I served in several churchwide capacities, I have moved more toward writing about the many experiences each of us has throughout life—the good and bad. I’m privileged to serve on an evangelical university board and learn from the best. Lagniappe is yet another venture intended to bring together the many facets of life. While it will include spiritual truths, the intent is to look at each new day, whether wars and disasters around the world or sweet stories about families. Check the first blog and sign up to join me on this journey.